Quick Peek at the Sites and Free Time Around the Base
Today the students were able to have their third day in the sites and are continuing to come back with stories of all the things they've been doing and people they've been meeting! They are definitely a little tired and will be excited to sleep in a little bit on Saturday, but they are also definitely enjoying their time and are striving to take advantage of each day as they see the time passing quickly.
It will take a little more time to be able to gather pictures and stories for individual sites. However, for now the kids from the media site have been traveling around and have been getting a few pictures and were willing to share some with us. So, their pictures are the ones you see posted above. Also, here are just a few of the students enjoying their free time today (down time in between coming back from their sites and dinner).
Our activity tonight was Community Dinner, where each of the sites were able to go eat dinner at the house of one of the families associated with the site in which they are working. It was a very special time for each of the groups! However, since we got back later tonight than usual, we will wait until tomorrow to show you some of the pictures and share with you some of the stories.
Beautiful pictures of eternal investments being made. I am praying for you on my morning bike rides.