Friday, December 15, 2017

Operation Christmas Child

With much help from one of our school families who donated 50 boxes, a small Hispanic church that donated 90 boxes, and a youth group who donated 30 boxes, Heritage Christian was privileged to be able to collect a total of 476 boxes to donate to Samaritan's Purse for global distribution.  Thank you to all who supported this very worthy cause!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017

We're Heading Home!


After debriefing this morning, our team is getting ready to head to the airport and start the long journey home :-) Love you all and will see you soon, Lord willing!

Friday, July 21, 2017

More Pics from SI of Our Trip!

Site Spotlight: Social Work El Callejon

"Working at Women's Social Work site again this year with Daisy (our leader), her two daughters, and several girls that have grown up in the site has been such a blessing!  During our time here, we've been able to walk and visit women in their homes, have tournaments with the kids, drink tons of coffee, and make tons of crafts with the girls and women!  The main way we get to connect with them is through crafts followed by giving a devotional that goes along with it.  Some of the crafts we've made include tiny mirrors, picture frames, and bracelets.  And following these, we've been able to share about the identity they can find in Christ, the message of the gospel, and the dangers of disunity and fighting among themselves.

Last year and this year I have realized through the devotionals that women from America and the Dominican Republic struggle with many similar things, despite the culture difference.  It's been amazing to see how simple lessons we've learned from God apply so nicely to the women we work with."

- Grazie Jensen and Miss Dueck

Site Spotlight: Appropriate Technology

The Students International Media site chose to film an interview with George about his time here in the DR, working with Dan and two other students from Florida who are here with another team.  Here is the link to SI-Dominican Republic's Facebook page, where a link to George's interview should appear soon:

Site Spotlight: Media

"This is my first time going to the Dominican Republic, and I am on the Media site.  This site is such a blessing in the sense of showing me everything that's going on in the community and the amount of joy the Dominican people have being surrounded with their families and loved ones.  There's that one stereotypical photographer saying that, "One picture speaks a thousand words," but the pictures that someone takes here speaks way more because it shows the glory of God at all times and what he is doing with the people.  This site is led by Michael Hernandez, who is an artist that produces his own music and is in charge of Student International's social media accounts.  Overall, it's been truly a blessing."

- John Helou

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Site Spotlight: Men's Sports


"The Men's Sports site is by far the best site in the DR!  When our team members would come home from site, most would have at least one complaint and/or an anecdote of something that went wrong.  When they finally asked how my day was, not once did I have a negative comment in my mind.  The site has two simple requirements: talk to the kids and play baseball.  Our site leaders, Dave and Moreno, make the process incredibly fun.  They equip us with the information we need to form a relationship with each and every student.  As far as baseball goes...well, let's just say they don't need to worry too much about that aspect.

Every afternoon entails an activity unique to that day.  Monday afternoons feature a trip to the local pool where the leaders, the kids and us play two hours of pool tag, which they really like.  One Tuesdays and Thursdays, we venture through the back roads of town and climb up mountains and through rivers to reach the Fight Ministry.  This organization plans to help house women who have fallen victim to sex trafficking.  Since we've been here, we've helped them roof their shelter, install toilets and door frames and maintain their garden.  We take a few kids from the team to help us.  Wednesdays are the only days that lack consistency.  Yesterday, we took a trip to the barbershop, ate lunch at a local restaurant, and took a walk around town where we prayed over the city and the people that we ran into.  On Fridays, we bring a lot of the kids back to base and play basketball with them.  Although standing in the heat for 6 hours a day can be draining at times, the Men's Sports site is lots of fun for all who are involved."

- Jared Eprem, Blake Hanzlik, and Matthew Casillas

Site Spotlight: Community Health

"Man, my hands hurt!  Why, you ask?  Because we've been working so hard at Community Health!  Hey everyone, it's your old pals, Laila and Ryan, here with an update from the medical site.  

Most of our days start with hosting a clinic in a neighborhood around Jarabacoa, serving patients that fall between the cracks of the public and private healthcare systems.  The 2 most common ailments we see are hypertension and diabetes.  We do a lot of taking blood pressures, taking pulses, counting pills and, most importantly, praying with our patients!  It's amazing to see the relationships being formed between the SI staff and the Dominicans and even Haitians.  

In the afternoon, we do a lot of home visits where we see a patient at their home to treat them and usually drink lots and lots of coffee!  Home visits are often accompanied by fun conversations and worship.  We are blessed to be able to work alongside the intrepid Dr. Fernando, former-Nicu-nurse Katie, and med-school-hopeful Cody.  Thank you for your prayers and support.  We are thrilled to be taking part in God's ministry here in Jarabacoa!"

- Ryan Murphy and Laila Khoury

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Site Spotlight: Men's Social Work

"Cory and I serve alongside our site leaders, Jim and Arturo, and our intern, Brett, at Young Men's Social Work in Jarabacoa.  Our site has recently switched its perspective on serving the shoe-shiner boys and other people in the community.  We used to come from behind and try to pick up the broken pieces of their lives, but now we are leading them to follow Jesus.  If they come along, they will find truth and be blessed!

Some of the ways we've been able to be a blessing at the site include helping lead English classes, Bible studies, and just forming relationships.  We also help out with the "Redeemed Souls" project.  This is a way that Jim can employ some of the shoe-shiner guys and help keep them off the streets.  The two current "employees" are Jason and Jordy, who are both Christians.  (Jordy just recently gave his life to Christ.)  We make sandals that can be sold in order to give them a steady income.  The sandals come from recycled tires and are handmade by our team effort. 

Besides the ministry we have done at our site, we have gone on a prayer walk, a house visit, and done prison ministry.  The biggest blessing for us has been being able to reconnect with the people we have met on previous trips.  Thank you for your prayers!  See you soon!"

- Robert Eng and Cory Schauer

Site Spotlight: Education Los Higos

"Hey, everyone!  It's David here!  These past couple days Kyle and I along with Matt (a student from New York) have been in the Educational site at Los Higos or "The Figs."  Every single day has been a huge blessing for each one of us!

We wanted to give you all a peek at what's been going on down here.  Our day starts with the kids doing flag salutes in the morning, followed by reading a Bible story.  The kids then get divided into two classes, one for 3 year-olds and one for 4 and 5 year-olds.  Kyle has been working with the older ones, and I've been one-on-one tutoring certain kids.  After this, they have recess, and we play with them in the playground at the site.  Then, they go back and have a different lesson before they're headed home.

We are doing well and miss each one of you dearly.  We thank you for the prayers that you have been sending!  The work that God is doing here and in us in unreal, and every moment that we share with Him as a team or alone has touched us in powerful ways.  Please continue praying for our last few days here!  We love you and can't wait to see you all!"

- David Porras and Kyle Bui

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Site Spotlight: Physical Therapy

"Hey, readers!  It's @angelaawad and @aaragon301 reporting from the Physical Therapy site in Jarabacoa!  Each morning we have the pleasure of working with Sylvio at a nursing home, where we connect with a wide range of personalities.  One of them being Mario, a "99" year old who dances around like he's in his twenties.  Later in the day, we travel back down to our site leader, Sylvio's, clinic where we work alongside Katie, the intern of the site, to treat patients.  

The second half of the day is usually a bit slower.  So, when we're not seeing patients, you could find us spending time with Sylvio's secretary, Marlyn.  All in all, this trip has been a huge blessing, and we don't want it to end! 
Signing off!  Ang and Drew

p.s.  Shout out to Mario for the socks!"

- Angela Awad and Andrew Aragon 

Site Spotlight: Women's Sports

Note: Please read in a British accent!

"Magalon and Cassaroni comin' in from the DR.  We've had loads of fun!  Last week we spent our time with middle school girls where we helped coach Serve Receive, and we had the opportunity to play as well.  Friday morning we had a devotion with the college volleyball players that the medical site led for us.  Later that day, we went on a grand adventure to Salto Jimenoa waterfall, which was an unforgettable experience!  After surviving our weekend, we got back to business with our O.G. crew: the two of us, Mabe (our fearless leader), Sule (without her we would be lost in translation), Megan (our rock of an intern), Noa (our rookie), and Ashley (the local baller). 

We've also been hosting a camp in town for the freshman team in the morning and a camp for other local girls at Doulos, the private bilingual school in the afternoon.  We each got to share a devotion with the girls as well as listen to wisdom from Mabe, Sule, and Megan.  

Getting to play the sport we love and share the love of Christ has been such a blessing!"

- Maggie Khoury and Cassidy Rosso

Monday, July 17, 2017

Site Spotlight: Education at El Callejon

A Day in the Life...

"When we first arrived at the Education Site at El Callejon this morning, it hadn't been 5 minutes, and kids were already arriving at the site and knocking on the gate asking to come in.  After there were about 7 kids at the site, we decided to take about a 15 minute walk to a baseball field.  Considering the fact that we can have as many as 30 kids most days, it was a nice change to have less than 10 today.  Once we arrived at the field, we had a quick devotion and prayer.  Then it was time to divide ourselves into 2 teams and play kickball.  After about 30 minutes in the hot sun, the majority of the people reclined in the sun while we raced with some of the kids.  An hour later, it was time to walk back to the school where we shared testimonies and ate lunch.  Then we went to the woman's social work site and had a nice siesta.  Once we were back at the school, we painted and played with kids till the day was over, and the truck came to take us back to base."

- Nona Pittman and Grace Birgel

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sunday in the DR!

This morning, the whole team headed to a local church called La Vid, where one of the SI national staff, Dr. Fernando is pastor.  It was such a huge blessing to worship together and sit under his teaching from John 16:1-15.  The rest of the day was filled with free time and doing laundry, despite a little rain.  The kids are excited to get back to their sites tomorrow!!  We're going to work to get to bed soon after devos in our rooms to give the kids plenty of rest for the morning.  Be praying as the kids start to get really tired the second week!  Here are a few pictures from this morning:

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Successful Saturday Excursions!

This morning we had two successful excursions, where the kids had fun and got to get "a little" wet. One group hiked to a local waterfall and had fun swimming before hiking out, while the other had a great time rafting with only a couple bumps and bruises. Then the kids had time to nap and/or relax while waiting for a night on the town!

Early this evening, we headed to shopping around the town with the interns. The kids were able to find all sorts of fun things, before we met up with everyone again for dinner followed by ice cream! It was a fun day, with time to rest and catch up with life a bit. 
Shopping group outside the grocery store

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Successful Saturday Excursions!

This morning we had two successful excursions, where the kids had fun and got to get "a little" wet. One group hiked to a local waterfall and had fun swimming before hiking out, while the other had a great time rafting with only a couple bumps and bruises. Then the kids had time to nap and/or relax while waiting for a night on the town!

Early this evening, we headed to shopping around the town with the interns. The kids were able to find all sorts of fun things, before we met up with everyone again for dinner followed by ice cream! It was a fun day, with time to rest and catch up with life a bit. 
Shopping group outside the grocery store

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

Friday, July 14, 2017

Community Dinner/Talent Show

The third full day in the Dominican Republic featured a privilege the kids may never experience again.  On Thursday night, the students joined their site leaders and interns to venture into the households of the natives they have been serving. Student's International provided a select family with money to prepare a traditional meal of their choice. Each site gleaned information about their host family's life while the students shared information about themselves. The first thunderstorm of the trip marked the end of the copious amounts of eating we call "A Night in the Community." Our team regrouped to rest and prepared for the end of their first week, which also featured a special event: the talent show.

The family that hosted the Appropriate Technology site (George and Dan)

Students eagerly arrived 15 minutes early in the chapel, the location of our very own talent show. Here, a handful of students showcased a myriad of talents, such as comedy by Ryan, four separate singing acts by Matthew and the entire Khoury family (even George!), a rendition of Dominicans interacting with American kids by Robert and George, and even a demonstration of a correct push-up by Arnold Schwarzenegger... voiced by John Helou. It was a night of laughs, screams, and dropped jaws. The interns coined George's performance as one of the greatest displays of talent they had seen this summer. All that were in attendance were pleased by the show and excited for the elongated night that awaited them. Tomorrow is the most event-packed day of the entire trip so we're hoping for lots of pictures to show you how great the experience has been thus far. Stay tuned!

As promised, the Khoury trio singing their hearts out! George was hesitant to perform at first, but he caved after the demand from the crowd drowned out his yells of denial. 

Our very own Matthew rocking the house with his rendition 
of Elvis Presley's "Cant Help Falling in Love"