Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A Day in Dentistry

“It’s been amazing working alongside Vanesa at the Dentistry site. The knowledge that I’ve gained working at the clinic is incredible. Dentistry was not my first choice, but I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.  A day at the site is pretty hectic but super fun. I start by making the trays and putting new ones next to the chairs. Vanesa is usually there a little later than I am so Mariela, Vanesa’s assistant, and I wait to get patients ready. Once Vanesa gets there we start bringing the patients in, and we work on their teeth. I usually man the suction tubes, but I sometimes end up with a bit more responsibility. This repeats until the truck comes to pick me up. It’s cool to see how Vanesa works and the dynamic of the whole clinic is incredible to watch. It’s also a huge blessing when Vanesa takes time out of her busy day to minister to me. She asks me where I am in my faith and helps me understand how to deal with fear and how to have more faith. ”   

- Hannah Thangiah

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