Saturday, July 15, 2017

Successful Saturday Excursions!

This morning we had two successful excursions, where the kids had fun and got to get "a little" wet. One group hiked to a local waterfall and had fun swimming before hiking out, while the other had a great time rafting with only a couple bumps and bruises. Then the kids had time to nap and/or relax while waiting for a night on the town!

Early this evening, we headed to shopping around the town with the interns. The kids were able to find all sorts of fun things, before we met up with everyone again for dinner followed by ice cream! It was a fun day, with time to rest and catch up with life a bit. 
Shopping group outside the grocery store

Ice cream!

Ice cream!

1 comment:

  1. So good to see these pictures! They all look happy and enjoying their downtime!
