Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Site Spotlight: Physical Therapy

"Hey, readers!  It's @angelaawad and @aaragon301 reporting from the Physical Therapy site in Jarabacoa!  Each morning we have the pleasure of working with Sylvio at a nursing home, where we connect with a wide range of personalities.  One of them being Mario, a "99" year old who dances around like he's in his twenties.  Later in the day, we travel back down to our site leader, Sylvio's, clinic where we work alongside Katie, the intern of the site, to treat patients.  

The second half of the day is usually a bit slower.  So, when we're not seeing patients, you could find us spending time with Sylvio's secretary, Marlyn.  All in all, this trip has been a huge blessing, and we don't want it to end! 
Signing off!  Ang and Drew

p.s.  Shout out to Mario for the socks!"

- Angela Awad and Andrew Aragon 

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